Thursday, July 10, 2003

Reading Material

Here it is! I finally decided that I should create a blog, mostly to pass the time when I'm done with all my work-related work but still have to sit at work and look like I'm working. Hopefully, I'll be able to come up with interesting things to say about life, my family, my friends, or myself, but I'm not making any promises at this point. I've seen a lot of blogs in my time (okay, actually, I've seen only 4 blogs in my time, but, you know, they haven't been around that long), and I know that they can start with gusto and then fizzle out as people tire of updating them, move on to other projects, get a job where they have to do actual work for 8 hours straight, etc. So, I'm not coming at this with any delusions of grandeur. All I am offering is something for you to read and, if you wish, respond to. Enjoy!


P.S. There are only two truly great blogs in this world, in my opinion. They are listed here, in no particular order:

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