Tuesday, October 07, 2008

In my defense

My dear husband attributes my lack of blogging to the time hole of Webkinz World. I will say that I have lost many hours to earning Kinzcash to feed, clothe and furnish the house of Lily. Lily is the black-faced sheep that my eldest brother gave my daughter. I had no idea what we were getting into when I asked Davis to go register the Webkinz pet. But, in my defense I have had many other distractions that have prevented me from blogging. We have had field trips to a Fire station in Athens, Mayfield Dairy in Braselton, playdates at parks, story time at the library, and a stomach virus. This is on top of trying to maintain a household (i.e. cook, clean, grocery shop, etc.). But, even without all of those things I procrastinate on blogging because I am just not that great of a writer. Davis is just plain funny and can write some great posts that are very entertaining. My posts are just slightly informative if you are remotely interested in following what me and the kids do during the day. At any rate here are a few pictures to enjoy.

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