Monday, August 24, 2009

Never leave your camera

This weekend I went to a lovely baby shower for a church friend. I took my digital camera with every intention of taking some pictures of the event and of our friends. However, I was asked to take some pictures of the shower for the mother-to-be with her digital camera so I left my camera sitting on a table. It wasn't until after I was home from the shower and leaving to go out with my family that I discovered that my digital camera wasn't in my purse. I then called the hostess of the shower and asked her if I had left it at her home. She said that I had, and sent it home with another friend that would give it back to me at church the next day. I retrieved said camera at church the next day without incident. Then lo and behold when I uploaded the pictures from my camera onto the computer I found this gem.
So let this be a lesson to never leave your camera unattended; you never know what you might find.
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Amy said...

HAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!! Perfect!

Stephanie said...

Hilarious! Leave it to Jaxon.