Monday, July 28, 2008

Self cleaning house

As part of getting ready for going out of town at the end of the week, I need to clean our house. We keep our house picked up/mostly clutter free, but it still becomes necessary to dust and mop and scrub down surfaces that develop pink rings around them. Although I have now entered my second semester of pregnancy, I have not experienced a resurgence of energy. I still desire a daily nap and get tired with what feels like menial amounts of work. The problem is my son and husband have allergies and it begins to be a sneeze fest around here if I wait two or three months between dusting sessions. I am finding that I could really use a self cleaning house. Since we don't have one of those, I guess I am just going to have to break my tasks down into smaller more manageable parts and take a few days to get the house sparkling and fresh.


Stephanie said...

I feel your pain. I may have a solution for you, Motivated Moms. It is a daily calendar of tasks so you don't have to do all your cleaning in one day. If you're interested let me know and I'll get you the info!

Angie said...

I would be interested, Stephanie. I have been a flybaby with for a few years. I have gleaned some wisdom from her but I have yet to really thrive on it. Ideally I should have a weekly home blessing hour in which I clean my house in one hour. Her system is based on morning and evening routines that keep your house picked up and uncluttered. The struggle I have is with the zones. Maybe Motivated Moms would help.