Sunday, January 25, 2009

Full Joshua Birth Twitter Timeline

my wife has a whole lotta contractin' goin' on. I'll keep you posted if this turns into something. 11:06 PM Jan 22nd from twitterrific

Looking like it's turning into something. I'll update when there are updates to give. 5:15 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

At the midwifery for a labor check. 9:23 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

is headed from the labor check to Hospital check-in. 9:30 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

In the delivery room, awaiting our delivery. 10:08 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

In the bigger, better delivery room, still awaiting. 10:19 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Update: contractions 2-4 min apart, dilated 5+ cm as of 9:30. They won't chk again till antibiotics kick in for baby, or pushing starts. 11:36 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Also, 80+% effaced. And she's trying to nap now. 11:45 AM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

contractions closer together and more intense. That's all we know so far. 1:01 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

we've been told antibiotic has been in long enough, so no more need to try to delay things. 1:43 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

frequent. intense. Surely it won't be long now. I think. 2:09 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Angie is tidying up the delivery room btw contractions. :-) 2:18 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

just checked again, not progressing as hoped. Frequent, intense contractions but still 5cm & 90% effaced. Please pray. Thanks. 3:14 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Born. 7:08 7:10 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

thanks everyone for your prayers and well-wishes. I'll post measurements when we get them. 7:52 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Official Stats - Joshua Michael Hipps, born 1/23/08 7:11pm, 7lbs. 14oz., 21" long. Pics to follow 10:15 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Pics,, 10:16 PM Jan 23rd from twitterrific

Meeting Daniel and Maggie about 23 hours ago from twitterrific

Hospital wireless is "down for the weekend." dang! We were gonna watch the Lost premiere that we missed the other day. about 18 hours ago from twitterrific

Woohoo! ABC is re-running the Lost premiere! We don't need no stinkin' hospital wireless! about 16 hours ago from twitterrific

will hopefully be leaving the hospital in about an hour. Hooray! about 4 hours ago from twitterrific

is headed home with our newborn about 1 hour ago from twitterrific

is home with the baby, and is taking the tweets off of public. Thank you all for tuning in and being so encouraging! Now for a nap! 6 minutes ago from web

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