Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gimme that giggle

I got Joshua to giggle a couple of weeks ago. He was sitting in an infant seat and I decided to see what he would do when I played peek-a-boo with him. Lo and behold he gave me his first giggle. Daniel and Maggie were in the backyard so I called them in so they could hear it. Joshua gladly performed again. But, I couldn't get him to do it again after that, and of course that meant Davis didn't get to partake in the fun of hearing that precious little chuckle. I would make an occasional effort to get him to giggle again but he was not giving it up. Finally, yesterday, during a diaper change I didn't some hand movements and noise and I got him to giggle again. This time I had the digital camera (with the new battery charged and ready) so I had Daniel film me getting Joshua to give us a giggle. This way Davis got to hear it too. There's not much sweeter than the laughter of a baby; so enjoy.

Update: Thanks to Alert Reader MommyOctopus for letting us know that the video wasn't viewable. This has been corrected. Now, as we said before, enjoy.


Lynley said...

We have the cutest nephew in the world! He laughs just like Daniel! Thanks so much for sharing - we can't wait to see you guys soon! Love you lots!

Angie said...

Thanks, Lynley. He is mighty cute and lucky to have such a great aunt. We will be in Columbus June 8-12 (sans Davis) so hopefully we can see you then. If not we have the beach to look forward to. Love you too.

Angela said...

Oh man, that was really cute. I still think he sounds just like Maggie!

Tony said...

I love it!