Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bath Time Education

There's been a lot of talk on a friend's blog recently about public school, private school, and home school. This post wouldn't have much to do with that at all, except that we are currently home schooling Daniel. I often realize that his education is happening right in front of me, at the most unusual times. Tonight, for instance, I overheard Angie broadening his cerebral horizons while giving him a bath. "Superman was born a super-hero," she said. "Batman trained to be a super-hero. Spider-Man was bitten by a radioactive spider, and that's how he got his super powers." I've got to say, I am a huge fan of this curriculum. All the basics are covered during the times that are most conducive to learning. I understand that during the regular school hours, they only work on things like reading, writing, and math.


Amy said...

SO Awesome!!!!

Kristen said...

He's learning all the important stuff, then! Fuggedaboudit!