Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Daniel Update 3

It's 12:45am. Daniel has been sound asleep for about an hour or so. His most recent xopenx treatment was at 11:30, and the Tech said his wheezing was much better, now just a slight wheeze on exhale, whereas it had been a heavy wheeze on inhale and exhale. So that's good news.

However, the nurse just now checked his blood oxygen and it was at 89 (100 is what it should be) so she had to give him some oxygen. Aside from the reasons mentioned by Ashley in the comments to the previous post, the nurse also said they'd been trying to avoid giving him oxygen because there's apparently a rule that the patient has to stay at least 24 hours after oxygen has been administered. So, now we're here for 2 nights. Oh well. At least he's doing better, and he slept through the nose plug session. *sigh*


rmcknno said...

I'm glad to hear daniel is getting better. My mom has been on oxygen since september. So if you have any questions about the feel free to call me. 7709125165. Hopefully the stay isnt to long and hope to hear from ya'll soon. Robbie McKinnon

Amy said...

Still praying for Daniel! Hospitals are no fun -- I hope you get some sleep, too, Davis! I know it's not easy to get any meaningful rest while you are there. Glad to hear Daniel slept well!
We all love you!