Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Quick Lesson in Patience

One might think that, as a woman who is around small children all the live-long day, my wife would have developed the patience of Job, if only as a sanity-preservation technique. And, for the most part, she does display great patience. Once in a while, however, (read: anytime she gets a strong enough urge for sweets) the effort of remembering to be patient gets to be too much. And thus, she is occasionally burned by her impatience. Like this afternoon, when she made some cookies for part of Daniel's church homework, and decided that the moment to try the first one was the same moment that they emerged from the oven. Apparently, the hissing noise emanating from her tongue first alerted her to the fact that something was wrong. And so, of course, she immediately proceeded to wolf down the rest of the cookie, presumably in hopes that the sense of accomplishment at having completed the task at hand would overcome the searing tongue pain and inability to taste the cookie itself. I think the lesson here is obvious, don't you? If you're going to eat a cookie hot out of the oven, do it FAST!

1 comment:

Greg Troxell said...

Makes perfect sense to me and I would like to add that rule also applies to anything coming right off the grill.