Saturday, March 15, 2008

Honoring Your Commitments

My church sent a group of as many of our volunteers as could get off work to the Unleash conference Thursday. One of the main things that struck me at the conference was in the Worship Leader's breakout session, where he talked about what he's looking for in band members: character, competency, and commitment. About commitment, he mentioned that if you're late to practice more than twice, you're out of the band, as you're probably not really committed to being there. This was crazy to me because I am chronically late to everything, but I've never felt like it was because I wasn't committed; I'm just not very good at managing my time. But I suppose it is about priorities; am I prioritizing my sleep over getting to work on time, my work over getting home to my family? Hard questions, to be sure. All that to say, this week I'm committing to make it to work on time, every day. (Please don't mock me, prompt people; this may be a break-through.) Okay, gotta hurry up and get ready, or we'll be late for our family's Easter Egg Hunt. *sigh* Pray for me (and my wife, she's a promptie).

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