Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To Kids, At Least, They Are

I just wanted to take a quick minute here at the end of my lunch break to sing the praises of a little group I like to call They Might Be Giants. They've been one of my favorite bands since early high school, and now, they're becoming one of my children's favorites as well. They just came out with their third children's album, and it is yet another quality product. This album and the last one both included a DVD of videos for most if not all of the songs on the CDs, and even their first children's CD was enhanced so that you could put it in your computer and play interactive videos (popping balloons, making scary-looking robots dance, etc.). Anyway, just wanted to get the word out. If you're a parent of a child between the ages of 0 and say, 10, I would HIGHLY recommend giving these a listen. We received one as a gift this weekend, and the kids already have pretty much all the songs memorized (in Daniel's case, this includes guitar parts). Anyway, speaking of kids, they like to eat, so I guess I'd better get back to work.

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