Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And he just keeps growing

It's official, Joshua is now half a year old. That's right, six whole months. People aren't kidding when they say the time flies. It's hard to believe when you are sleep deprived and the house is a wreck that babies grow quickly and it won't be this way forever, but Joshua turning six months old is greater confirmation of this adage. Some of his recent developments are that he has sprouted his two bottom teeth, is rolling both ways, and is doing the pre-crawling sky diver position. He also has tried baby cereal, apple sauce, green beans and sweet potatoes. Oddly enough he doesn't seem to care for applesauce. As you can see from the picture he can sit up unassisted for a short amount of time. Today I took him in for his check-up and he now weighs 19 pounds and is approximately 26" tall (squirmy babies don't make for easy measuring). He weighs less than Daniel but more than Maggie did at that age. He is a very sweet boy who is just taking it all in and starting to develop a sense of humor. While I was at book club last night, Daniel was able to crack his baby brother up by making raspberries with his mouth, which was repeated ad nauseum until Joshua was tired of laughing. At times like these it is easy to see why children are a gift from the Lord. I look forward to what the next 6 months hold for our baby boy as well as for our family.


Stephanie said...

Love the video! I don't know who's laughing more, Daniel or Joshua. I can't believe that Joshua is 6 mo old. Time does fly!

Mommy Octopus said...

That video was way too cute! Thanks for sharing your silly boys!

Angela said...

He weighs more than Abigail, and she's almost 14 months old. :)