Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why Angie's Not on Facebook (and Very Likely Won't Be in the Future)

I'm on Facebook. Angie is not. We've discussed the pros (exactly 2: seeing friends' photos, and the interaction with folks you might not get to interact with regularly otherwise) and cons (numerous, but the most important of these is that it is a COMPLETE TIME HOLE from which the day often does not recover), and she's decided that the the cons far outweigh the pros. I agree. I think it would be incredibly easy for me to get on in the morning and spend the entire day poring over photos, status updates, and notes from friends, acquaintances, and some people I haven't seen in decades. This wouldn't be a bad thing if I didn't have a job and a family and various things I want to accomplish in my day that don't involve being poked or sending pieces of flair. I enjoy those things, too, but it's too easy to let the time get away from me. This is not to say that I'm going to cancel my account or anything. I just need to find a way to pace myself. Angie, though, will not be signing up. If she wants to see pictures, she logs in under my account. If she wants to interact with folks, she calls or emails. That somehow seems more meaningful anyway.

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